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Autotune® Remote Control – Phone Set

Artifact Details


Model / Type / Function

Type: 223G Model: 8

Collins Part Number



Collins Aerospace Museum



Historical Significance

Additional Information

Special dial equipped phone set used to select frequency of multi-channel Transmitter & Receiver radio units.

The user could be located in a remote location and could talk and listen to their radio contact – and if required, change the station’s frequency/channel.  They could also switch to ‘CW’ mode and plug in a Morris code key.

The dial was wired to a ratcheting relay, similar to that used by the phone company – which supplied electrical commands to the Autotune mechanisms on the radio.

Notice that this dial was special in that it had an ‘A’ in addition to the common ‘1’ – ‘0’ finger holes.  The ‘A’ was used to change the radio mode to AM (Amplitude Modulation).

This example was once used by the U. S. Navy Department.