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Students Compete at National History Day

Two Cedar Rapids middle school students presented a paper and 10-minute video they created about Arthur Collins and Collins Radio at a local History Day competition. Sam and Slader were selected to compete at the state competition in Des Moines, Iowa, and are preparing for the National History Day competition in Washing, D.C. This is just one story of many where The Collins Story is continuing on to the next generation. Would you like to join us in this effort? Reach out to us by clicking the link below.


Select a topic to discover or search our digital archive.

Explore Amateur Radio

Revolutionary high frequency, short wave radio for long range communication.

Explore Avionics

At the forefront of commercial and military avionics.

Explore Space

Connecting the first American space explorers to Earth.

Explore Military Mission Systems

Quality, reliable radios and systems for air, land, and sea.



Collins Trivia Game

1 / 10

In what year was Arthur A. Collins born?

2 / 10

How old was Arthur when he earned his Amateur Radio License?

3 / 10

Was the AN/ART-13 named for Arthur?

4 / 10

Arthur had a twin sister named Elizabeth.

5 / 10

Arthur graduated from which Cedar Rapids High School?

6 / 10

In 1925, Arthur helped provide radio communication with Capt. Donald MacMillan's expedition to ______ .

7 / 10

In what YEAR and STATE was the Collins Radio Co. incorporated?

8 / 10

What brand was Arthur's first airplane?

9 / 10

Which was Arthur's Collegiate Alma mater?

10 / 10

Arthur, and his Company, defeated RCA's lawsuit involving their electron tube patent usage with help from _____ .

Your score is


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