We can trace the beginnings of the Collins Radio Company back to 1931 when a young Arthur Collins began building and selling amateur radio transmitters in the basement of his home at 1720 6th Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This small home business gradually expanded until Arthur decided to incorporate the Collins Radio Company which formally took place on September 9, 1933.

The early Collins products have been documented with several articles written about them. But who were the early employees who helped make it happen? This paper attempts to identify these early employees, the dates they joined, and the references used to piece this record together. I have included the call signs of the licensed amateur radio operators after their names because the products that launched the company were first for the amateur radio market and later for the broadcast market.

A time-line of recorded employment events follows:

November 17, 1931

Arthur has two part-time employees: Leo Hruska, 9BBH and Roy Harrington, (call sign unknown) both fellow amateur radio operators. He called his enterprise “Radio Laboratories, Inc.” – though no evidence of incorporation has been found. [I]

January – October 1932

Another, apparently part-time, employee was Ralph T. Ackerman, draftsman, who created most of the design drawings in this time period. [ii]

June 1932

Clair Miller, W9KFA, was hired as the first full-time employee (see photo 1). Arthur now calls his enterprise “Collins Radio Transmitters”. [iii]

Clair Miller


June 1932

The following chart probably lists only the full-time employees: [iv]

Arthur A. Collins President and Design Engineer
Merle H. Collins Vice-President
Clair R. Miller Production
Irene Snyder Stenographer
Sanford Toogood Production Engineer


Arthur Collins
Arthur A. Collins; photo taken about 1932.


Merle Collins
Merle H. Collins; Arthur’s father.

“On a Saturday in 1933”

President Arthur Collins phoned Arlo Goodyear and offered him two weeks work if he was willing to work on Sundays. Out of work for months and with a wife and baby, Goodyear jumped at the chance. Today [May 1953] (and he has never left) he heads… “When Arlo reported for work, he found that he comprised the factory of the business, the other three employees being President, Vice-president and Superintendent.” [v]

Early 1933

perhaps on April 7, 1933” – John ‘Slim’ Dayhoff (Sheet Metal), and Ted Saxon (Machinist) were hired (see photo 4). Then Gerald ‘Jiggs’ Ozburn, W9ARW. Charles Boegel, WØCVU came when there were only six employees. [vi]

Collins Fabrication Shop
The early Collins fabrication shop. Note the upper walls decorated with transmitter schematics.
From Left to Right: Ted Saxon, John ‘Slim’ Dayhoff, and unknown – probably Gerald ‘Jiggs’ Ozburn.

September 9, 1933

Arthur Collins incorporates the Collins Radio Company with eight employees at the time. The wording indicates that perhaps the company consisted of Arthur Collins and 8 additional. Thus the employees listed in order of joining the company becomes:

Arthur A. Collins (W9CXX) President and Design Engineer
Merle H. Collins Vice-President
Clair R. Miller (W9KFA) Production
Irene Snyder Stenographer
Sanford Toogood Production Engineer
Gerald ‘Jiggs’ Ozburn [vii] (W9ARW)
Charles Boegel (W9CVU)
John ‘Slim’ Dayhoff [viii]
Ted Saxon

October 3, 1933

Kathryn Horsfall joins the company and later becomes the first employee to achieve 40 years with the company on October 3, 1973. [ix]

January 1, 1934

Collins Radio Company has grown considerably in one year to 14 employees. [x]


Arthur A. Collins President
Merle H. Collins Vice-President
Donald M. Anderson Technician
Leo L. Beranek Technician
E. Marjorie Black Information
J. Wesley Dayhoff Machinist
Kathryn M. Horsfall Stenographer
Faye M. Jones Bookkeeper
Neil B. Larimer Shipping Clerk
Park Rinard Accountant
Robert E. Samuelson Radio Engineer
Irene Snyder Secretary and Office Manager
James G. Telfer Sales
Loren Sanford Toogood Production Manager

April 1, 1934

Roy Olson, Electrical Engineer, is hired.

May 1934

Emma Haas, Rose Kucera (Emma’s Sister) and Lloyd Haas (Emma’s Husband) were employed as Janitorial staff (bargaining unit). [xi]

July 1934

Mike ‘Milo’ Soukup was hired after High School Graduation as a “Mechanical Assembly Helper”


A publicity photo (photo 5) was taken of the production assembly area of 2920 First Ave. People who normally did not work on the assembly line were included to make the company look larger than it really was. A Collins 20B transmitter is the large black cabinet at the far left. On the workbenches are small transmitters which were used on the Goodyear Blimp “Enterprise”.

Early Collins Factory
Early Collins Factory at 2920 First Ave., Cedar Rapids – from left to right are:
Elmer Koehn, Don Anderson, Don Holmes, Don Wheaton, Roy Olson, John Dayhoff, Arlo Goodyear,
Don Cole, Don Atherton, R. E. Samuelson, Walter Wirkler, Leonard Braun, and Gerald Ozburn.

January 1, 1935

The following employment roster for Collins Radio Company shows 49 employees plus the New York Office: W. J. Barkley joined in 1935: [xii]

Name Position
Arthur A. Collins President
Merle H. Collins Vice-president
Don C. Atherton Assemblyman
Stanley D. Atherton Assemblyman
Roy (or Ralph?) G. Austin Engineer
John Babilus Purchasing Agent
Bruce Boland Machinist
Leonard Braun Machinist
Robert L. Campbell Assemblyman
Roger S. Conrad Assemblyman
Frank M. Davis Engineer
Floyd J. Ernest Assemblyman
Earl Fredine Engineer
Arlo C. Goodyear Assemblyman
Rose Hansen Treasurer
D. W. Holmes Engineer
Kathryn M. Horsfall Stenographer
Marjorie Hoyland Office
Genevieve C. Hunter Stenographer
Elmer H. Koehn Assemblyman
Lawrence R. Langfeldt Assemblyman
Robert H. Lapham Assemblyman
Clifford P. Lawrence Works
Donald A. Lawrence Assemblyman
Albert C. Lee Works
Frank D. Madison Assemblyman
Isaac F. McAllister Assemblyman
Clair R. Miller Sales Engineer
Robert F. Miller Assembler
Roy H. Olson Engineer
Gerald D. Ozburn Machinist
Wilford G. Pappenfus Clerk
Roger Pieracci Engineer
Frances W. Powers Stenographer
Garnet L. Ramsey Translator
Mary Rowan Stenographer
Robert E. Samuelson Engineer
Merril Smith Engineer
Myron R. Smith Assemblyman
Owen Smith Works
Leo G. Soukup Machinist
Milo Soukup Assembler
Edward Thompson Assembler
Robert L. Thompson Test Engineer
Vinetta M. Tiffany Stenographer
Loren S. Toogood Production Manager
Harold E. Vander Linden Machinist
Donovan R. Wallace Assemblyman
Ray O. Waller Assemblyman
Robert H. Wilhelm Assembler
Delwin E. Zarub Assembler
Summary: 49 total employees plus the New York Office: W. J. Barkley joined in 1935
Design Engineers: 9 total; Austin, Davis, Fredine, Holmes, Olson, Pieracci, Samuelson, Smith, and probably Arthur Collins
Production: 20 Assemblers
Machinists: 5 Total; Bolans, Braun, Ozburn, Soukup, and Vander Linden

June 20, 1936

The Collins Radio Company Roster showed 78 employees: [xiii]

Name Position
Arthur A. Collins President
Merle H. Collins Vice-President
Stanley Atherton Machinist
R. G. Austin Engineer
Gretchen Ball Filing Clerk
R. B. Beethan Engineer
L. E. Bessemer Assemblyman
Marjorie Black Filing Clerk
Bruce Boland Machinist
Leonard Braun Machinist
Robert Campbell Engineer
Betty Cocayne Stenographer
Roger Conrad Assemblyman
L. M. Craft Engineer
Frank M. Davis Engineer
Robert Davis Machinist
J. W. Dayhoff Machinist
Faye Dunn Bookkeeper
Lucille Eller Stenographer
Floyd Ernst Assemblyman
Earl Fredine Test Engineer
R. S. Gates Secretary
John Giacoletto Engineer
W. D. Gintert Assemblyman
A. C. Goodyear Assemblyman
Rose Hansen Treasurer
D. W. Holmes Engineer
Claud Hoppe Machinist
Katherine Horsfall Stenographer
D. E. Horsfall Assemblyman
Merle Hubbard Assemblyman
Fredric Hubias Assemblyman
Genevieve Hunter Stenographer
Elmer Koehn Assemblyman
L. R. Langfeldt Assemblyman
Robert Lapham Assemblyman
Neil Larimer Shipping Clerk
C. P. Lawrence Photographer
D. E. Lawrence Assemblyman
A. C. Lee Purchasing Agent
Charles Lowder Assemblyman
F. D. Madison Assemblyman
Naville Manewiller Assemblyman
R. J. Martin Assemblyman
C. R. Miller Assemblyman Sales Engineer
R. F. Miller Assemblyman
Anita Mills Stenographer
Theodore Munger Assemblyman
Robert Nelson Assemblyman
George Nemec Assemblyman
Roy Olson Engineer
G. D. Ozburn Machinist
W. Pappenfus Time Clerk
Roger J. Pieracci Engineer
Frances Powers Stenographer
Garnet Ramsey Translator
H. H. Rogers Assemblyman
Mary Rowan Stenographer
R. E. Samuelson Engineer
W. T. Saxon Superintendent
James Sivells Assemblyman
Myron Smith Assemblyman
Merrill S. Smith Engineer
Helen Soukup Stenographer
Leo Soukup Machinist
Milo Soukup Machinist
Florence Stevens Stenographer
William F. Stewart Engineer
R. J. Stoner Assemblyman
George Taylor Assemblyman
Ed Thompson Machinist
Vinetta Tiffany Stenographer
A. Torson Assemblyman
Kenneth Vaughn Assemblyman
Leonard Vick Machinist
D. R. Wallace Assemblyman
Ray Waller Assemblyman
D. E. Zarub Machinist

i. Arthur Collins – Radio Wizard, by Ben Stearns
ii. Early Collins Drawings made between January & October 1932 record this name as draftsman
iii. The Collins Story by Arlo C. Goodyear, October 14, 1954
iv. Cedar Rapids City Directory, January 1, 1933
v. Collins Column, May 1953 back cover
vi. Cedar Rapids City Directory November 18, 1956
vii. Ozburn joined June 1, 1933 per page 5, June 1953 Collins Column
viii. Dayhoff joined after June 1933 per page 24, June 1953 Collins Column
ix. Article in company news October 1973
x. Cedar Rapids City Directory January 1, 1934
xi. Collins Column, July 1953 back cover
xii. Cedar Rapids City Directory January 1, 1935
xiii. McCoy Directories Listing June 20, 1936

Early Collins Employees
Outside Row (backs to the windows): Paul Hauser, Walker Whitmore, Kenny Vaughn, Harry Rogers, Dick Gintert, Buck Holsinger, Les Bessemer (foreman), Dale McCoy, (unidentified), Archie Torsen. Second Row (facing windows): Bob Davis, Ray Stoner, Milo Soukup, Al Keyes. Third Row (facing away from windows): Tom McGregor, Bill Popek, Bruce Miller, Del Zarub, Chuck Hatfield, Claude Hoppe, Leonard Braun, Elmer Koehn. Fourth Row (facing room interior): Charlier Gould, Henry Dmitruk, Don Tubbesing, Arlo Goodyear.


Certificate Presented To Employees Working To Secure Victory During Ww-Ii.
Certificate presented to employees working to secure victory during WW-II.


Letter To Employees Working To Secure Victory During Ww-Ii.
Letter to employees working to secure victory during WW-II.